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This Page is a Work in Progress
But will be populated with BALM News, including any local presentations we may give. There will also be an active Blog reporting wildlife and other activities on the Site
Watch this space !
The Old St Beghian (July 2020) errata
A notice has appeared on the Old St Beghian website, and in the recent edition (197) of The Old St Beghian, July 2020 regarding Little Mesopotamia. The Trustees politely note that these contain the following editorial errors:
The ‘area’ is NOT ‘known locally’ as Little Mesopotamia; the name has been applied to it by Dr Tuohy and adopted by the Trust
The planting of trees is NOT intended to ‘provide a haven for (wildlife and) threatened tree species such as ash, horse chestnut, oak and larch' as the OSB incorrectly states.’ As these species are dying and are likely to disappear from the British landscape that would be futile. Instead alternative species and varieties have been planted to create an experimental botanical collection, which might determine which trees might be used as suitable alternatives to the trees that are being lost to parasites and pathogens.
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